Remedial Massage | Innovation Wellness & Health

Remedial Massage

Remedial massage is a complementary art derived from many different cultures in which modern times, people have implemented into their lifestyle routines.

Dedicated to your health and wellbeing

The theory behind why massage works is due to the muscles adapting to specific types of physical stimulation. Under-active tissues can be promoted to function more effectively while overactive tissues have the ability to lengthen and relax. This concept allows your body achieve a balanced state. Muscles in our body are in use every second of the day. Chances of having muscular dysfunctions are high when daily activities are performed incorrectly and often unnoticed until much later where as symptoms of pain or discomfort occurs.

We will not ask you to stop what you are doing but rather advise on how to prevent the problem with minor mechanical changes. Most of the time, our bodies cannot break this cycle and in which is when our professional abilities shine.

Your first visit is composed of an in-depth health assessment to provide a plan of treatment for which muscles require work.

Our massage therapist will test for dysfunction or pain before and after the session.

Usually we will not apply oil, as this will restrict the treating practitioner from isolating and gripping affected muscles.

A few facts

Remedial Message consists a whide range of techniques in the for of:

  • Deep Tissue
  • Pre / Post Sports Masssage
  • Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy
  • Prenatal/Postnatal Pregnancy Massage
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • TuiNa (Traditional Chineses Medicine bodywork)

Massage in addition can also encourage your brain to release happy neurotransmitters in the form of endorphins. This is a reason why people who suffer from stress, anxiety or depression are encouraged to seek one of our massage therapists.